A career change as simple as walking down the hall

A career change as simple as walking down the hall

I always get a little sad when a gifted reporter leaves the business. I get it—the hours and the pay… but what if you could change both of those things and continue your career in broadcasting— possibly continue working at your same station.

“I had no regrets moving into sales. It was the best decision for me and my family.”

 Al Knox started his career at WSAW-TV in 2011 as a reporter. Two years later, Knox left the newsroom for the sales department.

“I knew the sales hours and the pay would be much better for us to raise a family. I had no real sales experience, but I found out that my news background would be helpful in the way I met and talked with clients,” Knox said.

He said anyone considering the same switch might find it smoother than you’d think.

“They are different worlds for sure, but they both require the same skill set. Also being on TV gave me the confidence to speak publicly and in front of large groups. There are times when I will meet with a board room of 10-15 people and I don’t mind it all. I have to think news gave me the ability to do that,” he said.

He said starting as a news reporter helped propel his career in sales.

“In news, I was just listening for the best sound bites and then planning how I would report that day's stories. In sales, I am able to listen to clients and utilize that information in a way that allows me to make their business more money by solving their problems. My news background overlapped more with the sales career than most people may think.”

Heather Poltrock
WSAW-TV, Wausau

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